Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How to finish homework fast

Everyone, this is a life skill that you will need desperately in your years at school, so listen (or read) closely:
In this post, I will tell you how to finish your homework quickly, interested? Read on...
1-Be a little organized. It won't help you to study for your exams if your textbooks at your friends house and your notes are at your locker at school.
2- Think of all the free time you'll get after you're done!
3- Just remember that if you try and finish your homework and watch TV at the same time, it'll take way longer. I speak from personal experience.
4- Don't do too much in one day, split it up
5- Do the easy questions first, then do the hard ones. That's because you start thinking that you're awesome in finishing homework while you're ticking them off the list.
6- Finally, if you ever get to choose a topic at school to research, choose something you like to do. For example for my English project, I chose to do a speech about why homework should be banned. She said it's okay and now it's actually kind of fun researching why the number one thing you hate in the world should be banned. It's an actual topic on the internet people, not kidding.

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