Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Capture the Flag

Hey everyone!

This might seem like a boring and childish sport, but it's actually amazing. First of all, it's not at all complicated. The rules are simple and all the training you need for it is to be a fast runner, a team player, and know how to listen to rules. So all you do is basically run and either free teammates that are in jail, or sprint to the flag and take it back to base without getting caught. If you get tagged, you go to "jail", where you have to wait for someone to free you. Overall, it's a really good game as it's really fun and you don't need to exactly be an athlete to be good in this game. It's not an official sport, just something to do for fun.

Peace Out!

Friday, January 17, 2014

The Case Against Homework

Great news everyone!

I just finished my essay on why homework should be banned, and believe it or not, it's an actual topic on the internet! If you're feeling that you're getting an overload on homework, just research it. You'll find a busload of information, I assure you. I know beforehand because I just finished an entire essay on that topic.

Peace out!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

How to make a smoke bomb

Hey everyone! In this post i'll be telling you on how to make an awesome smoke bomb out of ping pong balls, aluminium foil, and a pencil!

Step 1- Gather 4 ping pong balls. Cut a small hole in one of them, then cut up all the other ping pong balls into tiny small pieces.
Step 2- Put all the cut up ping pong balls inside the hole of of the final ping pong ball.
Step 3- Stick a pencil inside the whole of the ball
Step 4- Cover the entire thing in aluminium foil
Step 5- Take the pencil out
Step 6- Reseal the aluminum
Step 7- Light the tip of the aluminum on fire
Step 8- Enjoy!

If you want more tutorials on how to make stuff comment them please!
Well played dude, well played...

That dad's really smart

Try this at school everyone!


Tuesday, January 14, 2014



Just wanted to let you know that I redesigned the blog, added pictures, added more gadgets, and overall better to look at. Also please check out my new page at the top of the screen most people don't notice it. Finally, please fill out my survey and don't ignore it. It's only a yes or no question and the results are valuable (aka school project), so please fill it out, ok? Thanks!

How to ollie

If you want to learn how to ollie on a skateboard, you need to gather the following materials:

1- A skateboard (DUH!)
2- Protective gear (helmets, elbow pads, knee pads)
3- 2 tons of guts
4- Patience

Before trying to ollie on a skateboard, you first have to put on your protection. Not because i'm a wimp, it's because knee pads are virtually indestructible, at least when falling off something and landing on them. Remember this, if you ever fall, ALWAYS land on your knees. Since you're wearing your knee pads you won't feel anything!

Step 1- Put 1 foot in the middle of the board and you're other foot on the very tip of the board
Step 2- Using the foot at the tip of the board, press as hard as you can while jumping at the same time. If the board comes up, awesome!
Step 3- Using both your feet, try and keep the board under you, not at the sides, and not behind you. Directly under you.
Step 4- Try and land without slipping off

If you manage to do it, that's great! Just remember normal skaters take about 2 weeks to learn this, so don't expect to get it on your first try. That's actually why you need a lot of patience. I quit skateboarding because I am a very impatient person.

Until next time, see ya!

How to finish homework fast

Everyone, this is a life skill that you will need desperately in your years at school, so listen (or read) closely:
In this post, I will tell you how to finish your homework quickly, interested? Read on...
1-Be a little organized. It won't help you to study for your exams if your textbooks at your friends house and your notes are at your locker at school.
2- Think of all the free time you'll get after you're done!
3- Just remember that if you try and finish your homework and watch TV at the same time, it'll take way longer. I speak from personal experience.
4- Don't do too much in one day, split it up
5- Do the easy questions first, then do the hard ones. That's because you start thinking that you're awesome in finishing homework while you're ticking them off the list.
6- Finally, if you ever get to choose a topic at school to research, choose something you like to do. For example for my English project, I chose to do a speech about why homework should be banned. She said it's okay and now it's actually kind of fun researching why the number one thing you hate in the world should be banned. It's an actual topic on the internet people, not kidding.

Things you never knew about Google

'Sup everyone!

My friends told me some really sweet things to do on Google. First of all, if you search "Do a barrel roll" on Google, the entire screen will do an actual barrel roll. I am not kidding! However when I tried this on Internet Explorer it didn't work. But with me it worked at Google Chrome. Not exactly sure if it works on others actually. Second of all, go to Google Images (again, it only worked at Google Chrome for me, dunno why) and type in Atari breakout, and a mini game will start to play inside Google Images! Finally, there are websites you can open called Google Space, Google Sphere and Google Gravity. The
re might be more of them but I haven't found them yet. Anyway, in Google Space you can throw all the Google icons around such as the task bar on top of normal Google, the actual Google logo and things like that. In Google Sphere you can search something and the results will orbit around the logo! Finally, in Google Gravity, you can have fun in throwing Google icons around but it's something like super gravity in there as all the icons fall to the bottom of the screen! The best part? You can actually search there and get the same results as the normal Google!

P.S: If you want the URL's, here they are:
Google Sphere:
Google Gravity:
Google Space:
Peace out!


Hey everyone!

So if you're new to this, here's basically what I'll be doing. Just filling you in on all the awesome stuff you can find and do in the world. From sports to countries to food, I'm talking about it all! I'll start posting for real later on when I find some more time to post. Like any normal 7th grader, you know what, i'll let you guess what i'm doing that's taking my time away.
P.S: If you guessed homework, you're absolutely correct!